Getting Sweaty At FitBloggin

There is so much to love about Fitbloggin’, but since I have not been able to run since Memorial Day weekend, I particularly enjoyed the variety of workouts on the schedule. I did five workouts over three days and it really felt good to get sweaty again.

The first workout on the schedule was Bootcamp with Erin Krietz. We did a cardio warm-up, and then a mix of fitness band and body weight exercises that got our heart rates up and made us sweaty–and happy.

The next workout (1/2 an hour later!) was a low-impact workout with Cathe Friedrich.

Cathe Friedrich Workout

Does this picture look familiar?

Cathe brought her fitness bands and firewalker loops, and also had us use paper plates to make familiar exercise that much harder.

Thanks to Carrie for catching me mid-lunge!

Cathe Friedrich Lunge

As I headed into the first blogging session, I noticed that my new Garmin 225 was telling me I had burned 1000 calories on my first morning at Fitbloggin–I definitely earned that bacon! 

Fitbloggin Workouts Garmin

Saturday I tried two very different yoga sessions, starting with Glider Yoga led by Jamie King of Sweat Pink.

Glider Yoga

The first half of the session was more like a low-impact workout than yoga, since using the gliders made lunges, mountain climbers and push-ups incredibly difficult.

After we put the gliders aside, Jamie led us through a more traditional flow series, and I was grateful for every moment in downward dog!

After breakfast, it was time for rooftop (or pool deck) yoga with yoga instructor Rose Ode. The views were spectacular and the weather was gorgeous. 

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This was a more traditional yoga class, but no less challenging! It was so nice to feel the fresh air on my skin and gaze up at the blue sky as I tried to hold a good triangle pose.

The final fitness activity was the Sunday morning 5K-ish fun run, led by Jamie, the Westin running concierge. Jamie usually leads twice a week fun runs, so if you visit the Downtown Denver Westin, ask for more information and follow #RunWestin.

The route took us through downtown Denver, up the capitol steps to the Mile High Marker (center photo), and back along Cherry Creek. I did run/walk intervals with Carrie to try to keep my foot from getting too cranky. That worked out well, but my Garmin didn’t. For some reason it wouldn’t read my heart rate. πŸ™ Hopefully customer support can help me figure it out this week because I really was liking it.  

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As usual, I had a great time at Fitbloggin’ and enjoyed trying new workouts. I got to take home two new-to-me Cathe DVDs (thanks to Eggland’s Best) and two sets of fitness bands from Erin’s workouts. I hope they will keep me motivated until my foot is really better for running again.  

Have you done any glider workouts?

Do you have a favorite DVD or YouTube workout video I should try?

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19 Responses to Getting Sweaty At FitBloggin

  1. Even workouts are a blast at FitBloggin! I love it and really hope to join the fun next year.

  2. Dapinder says:

    Looks like you had a blast at FitBloggin’!! Yay for yoga too. πŸ™‚

  3. I love the workouts at Fitbloggin and these sound like so much fun. Like I said, I’m bummed I couldn’t make it this year but looks like you all had a great time!

  4. Looks like you all had a great time there! I hope to make it out one of these times. Hope your foot is feeling better.

    • Coco says:

      It would be great to spend more time with you. My foot is cranky but I’ll take better care of it this week ….

  5. looks like you had a blast Coco! I would love to try different workouts like that, I don’t know what gliders are all about. Did they announce where the conference will be next year?

    • Coco says:

      They haven’t announced yet, but I’ll let you know! I think the gliders make you engage more small muscles to maintain control and balance ….

  6. Marcia says:

    Looks like so much fun! I’ve not been to a single blogging conference but I hope to change that one of these years.

  7. I really hope I can go to this next year! Sounds amazing!

  8. karen says:

    You had some great work outs and doing with others is always fun. It’s good to give that foot some time off πŸ™‚
    I hate when something doesn’t tick and I don’t get all my work out stats πŸ™ Doesn’t happen often though, hopefully you can get it figured out.

  9. Pingback: Fitbloggin California Avocado Commission Lunch At Euclid Hall

  10. Carrie Skoll says:

    The workouts were so fun and challenging. Great recap.

  11. Pingback: July 4th Ultimate Coffee Date - Got2Run4Me

  12. Monica says:

    Looks like you all had a great time there. The workouts were so fun

  13. Pingback: The 2015 Fitbloggin' Recaps

  14. Pingback: Five Things I Did This Summer - Got2Run4Me

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