Anticipation At Work And Play

Today’s Wednesday Word is anticipation. Are you anticipating what I’m going to write about? πŸ˜‰

Deb Runs

Anticipation has two distinct meanings for me, depending on whether the context is work or play.

In work my as a patent attorney, “anticipation” has a specific legal meaning. You can’t obtain a patent unless your invention is “new,” and your invention isn’t “new” if it already has been described in a publication such as an earlier patent or scientific journal article. If an earlier publication describes every feature of your invention, we say that the publication “anticipates” your invention. If a patent was granted but an earlier publication is found that describes the invention, we say that the patent is invalid for “anticipation.”

I guarantee that this book was not as much fun to write
as #WYCWYC must have been!

In the rest of my life, “anticipation” has this meaning from the Merriam-Webster On-Line Dictionary

a feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen

I feel anticipation about seeing friends I haven’t seen in a while, like the friends I’ll see at Fitbloggin’ in a few weeks. (It’s not too late to join us — click here to register through my affiliate link.)

Fitbloggin 2012

My first Fitbloggin’–see any familiar faces?

I feel anticipation about travelling to new places, even when it’s for work like last year’s trips to Copenhagen.

Copenhagen 2

Did you catch a glimpse of this area in Pitch Perfect 2?

I feel anticipation about upcoming races, especially Ragnar–even though its a few months away. (Check out my 55 Things About Ragnar post to see why!)

Ragnar Leg 3

Yes, I’m still smiling at leg 3!

Maybe this will show my age, but I can’t think about “anticipation” without remembering this Heinz Ketchup commercial.

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What are you excited about this week?

“Ketchup” or “Catsup”? (Or “No thanks, pass the mustard”?)

Don’t forget to shop my Stella + Dot trunk show to support the American Heart Association!

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13 Responses to Anticipation At Work And Play

  1. Marcia says:

    Lots of great things to look forward to! This week I’m looking forward (kind of) to my daughter’s last days of 8th grade. Now where did that time go??

  2. When I started to write this post, that ketchup (yes, it’s ketchup, not catsup) commercial song kept going through my head! I’m not excited about much this week, but I do have a bike ride with a friend on Sunday, so there’s that to look forward to!

  3. Ah so jealous about fitbloggin! I wish there was an east coast version. We have too much travel this summer for me to go.

  4. I wish there was a blogger conference near me, how exciting that would be. I’m looking forward to a relaxing week at work and at the campground. πŸ™‚

  5. It most certainly is ketchup πŸ™‚ Nice glimpse of your work world! Summer always strikes anticipation! Where to go, what do I look like in my swimsuit, where is my sunscreen etc. All great stuff!

  6. I wasn’t sure if anyone would remember Carly Simon’s Anticipation or not. πŸ™‚

    Have fun at Fitbloggin’! And thanks for linking up!

  7. HoHo Runs says:

    I’ve been singing Carly Simon’s song and remembering the KETCHUP commercial since last week when I saw what word was on the schedule.

  8. So jealous you get to go to FitBloggin! I was so hoping to this year, but I guess it’ll be next year!

  9. Carla says:

    I think you have nailed it here for me.
    right now.
    today and this week.
    Im looking forward to not too much.
    a condiment hater πŸ™‚

    • Coco says:

      Yes, it is rough when you don’t have something you are looking forward to. That’s when many people try to at least plan a vacation. πŸ˜‰

  10. Fitbloggin will be amazing. I still have yet to make it to a blog conference.

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