Heart Rate Monitor Training

I’m finally getting interested in heart rate monitor training. I feel like all of my fit friends were really into heart rate monitors last year, but I just haven’t been interested in those numbers until now. 

Heart Rate Monitor

I think because my Garmin VivoSmart hardly gives me any credit for spinning class, I wanted some “proof” that I am working as hard as I’m sweating! 

I was researching heart rate monitors when I remembered that my VivoSmart can be paired with a heart rate monitor, I just hadn’t wanted one for it until now. I ordered the Garmin chest strap heart rate monitor from Amazon, and paired it with my VivoSmart and my old Garmin 410. (If you are interested in a fitness tracker, please check out my Garmin VivoSmart review here.)

Garmin 410 Heart Rate

I like using the 410 for it’s easy-to-read display, and the VivoSmart for being able to view the data without having to sync my watch on my PC at home.

So, here’s what my heart rate looks like in a typical 45 minute spinning class:

Heart Rate Spinning

And here’s how hard I worked in the longer 60-minute class: 
Heart Rate Spinning
I don’t think I’ll usually wear it running, but it was fun to see my heart rate match the elevation profile of my hill repeats! 

Heart Rate Hill Repeats

Hill Repeats Elevation

I also was curious about how hard I am working during my strength workouts.

Heart Rate Strength Training

Here, I warmed up for 10 minutes on the elliptical, and then did three rounds of a strength circuit, doing 25 jumping jacks between rounds. You can see where I finished the circuit and did my clamshells and planks before doing some more strength moves with weights! 

I still want to see what my heart rate looks like on a bike ride. I’m sure it won’t be as high as it is during spinning class, or at least not for so long, but there are a few hills that usually get my heart pounding.

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Now that I have my heart rate monitor, I need to figure out how to use it train smarter. I know there are a lot of resources out there, so if you can point me in the right direction …

Do you have a heart rate monitor?

Do you know a good guide for heart rate training?

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19 Responses to Heart Rate Monitor Training

  1. Are you in my brain? I had a long discussion yesterday with my running friend who is transistioning to low heart rate training – she is so happy with the results. Mainly from the standpoint of injury. It’s fascinating and I was doing a bunch of reading on it last night – I’ve seen a bunch of bloggers have great success.

    Ok – so basically, I don’t have any advice, but I love monitoring my HR – such interesting information. And I still thank you for the chest strap that you sent me ages ago ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I’ve thought about doing HR training bc I see some runners have great success with it. I use my HR monitor in spin class mostly to motivate myself to kick it up.

  3. misszippy says:

    I have been a big user of HRM training, specifically low HR training. Looking at your numbers for your run, you keep yours fairly low, which is a great sign of your aerobic fitness–good job!

  4. Larissa says:

    I want a HRM so badly right now. Been thinking about it for a while. Certainly for working out, but I also want to get a better gauge on my resting heart rate. I also want a good read on my HIIT and strength training workouts.

    • Coco says:

      I was pleased to see my HR up during my strength training – I know I feel out of breath. I think resting HR is important health information too. You should get one! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Kim says:

    It is fun to see the comparison in your heart rate from spin class and strength training.
    I’ve never used a heart rate monitor – I think it would be interesting but I don’t know if I would like the strap around my chest.

  6. I do have a HRM for my Garmin but I can’t wear it when I run or else I chafe. I’m looking for a wrist HRM with tracker. I know they aren’t as accurate, but I’m ok with that. I bought the Mio Fuse and didn’t really like it, way too bulky. So I think I will return it and go for the Fit Bit Charge with HRM. We’ll see !

  7. this is an area i’ve never dabbled in, so really excited to read what you figure out ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I just bought one and have only used it for 2 workouts so far. I really like it and it pushed me to go a little harder during a tough spot in a workout to make that calorie burn higher.

  9. Marie says:

    That’s so neat that your heart rate matched the hills! I love the idea of heart rate training and have tried it twice but my heart doesn’t cooperate. isMy max close to 200. It shoots up to the 150-160s when I’m just warming up at a fast walk or very slow jog and then running at an “easy” pace it hangs out in the 180s. I even had my heart tested and wore a monitor for three days but apparently there’s nothing wrong with me. I guess the point is to stick with it long enough and then your heart rate goes down, but I find those numbers way too discouraging!

  10. Very cool! I’ve been hearing a lot about heart rate monitors from runners too. I’d love to use it while running but I don’t think I’m ready yet…

  11. Very cool. I just went to Orange theory fitness for the first time tonight and they have you wear HRM.

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