Enjoying Holiday Leftovers For Breakfast

As much as I like cooking my holiday recipes, what I really look forward to at Thanksgiving is my Mom’s cornbread stuffing and whole cranberry sauce. She spoils me by making extra, and some of my favorite ways of enjoying these “leftovers” are for breakfast.

My all-time favorite post-holiday breakfast is
a fried egg with stuffing and cranberry sauce.

Holiday Leftovers For Breakfast

For a lighter way to enjoy holiday leftovers for breakfast,
I have cranberry sauce on toast.

Cranberry Sauce On Toast

Cranberry sauce also is the perfect topping for plain or vanilla yogurt,
and tastes downright indulgent on coconut Chobani. 

Cranberry Sauce On Yogurt

What’s your favorite holiday dish to have as leftovers?

Do you ever have leftovers for breakfast? 

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Don’t forget to join the Ultimate Coffee Date link-up on Saturday! 

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13 Responses to Enjoying Holiday Leftovers For Breakfast

  1. the day after thanksgiving, i literally ate thanksgiving dinner all over again for all three meals !

  2. Ohhhhh, never would have thought about cranberry sauce on yogurt! Sounds soooo yummy!

  3. I’m loving my leftover cranberries in my oats. Yum!!!!

  4. oh I never would have thought about putting the cranberries on top of yogurt-yummy and creative for sure. Good idea ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. MCM Mama says:

    We don’t have leftovers this year, but I’ve been known to mix our sweet potato casserole into my oatmeal in the past…

  6. Yum Yucky says:

    Eggs with stuffing? Why have I not signed up for this before!?! Gonna make it happen.

  7. Kim says:

    We didn’t do traditional “Thanksgiving” stuff this year. My favorite part of the leftovers is actually the turkey – I will just grab bites and eat it cold!!!

  8. yogurt and cranberry sauce sounds fabulous.

  9. Carla says:

    it is always always SAVORY LEFTOVERS for breakfast here.

  10. I think I need to download that related posts plugin ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. I’m not too big on cranberry sauce, but I loooooooove leftover turkey!

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