Burn Off The Halloween Candy Calories Workout

What’s scarier than the ghouls and goblins who haunt the streets on Halloween? The number of calories you can consume having ^just one^ of your favorites from the variety pack you bought to hand out to little trick-or-treaters! Can you believe that even those tiny “Fun Size” bars have about 75 calories each? Don’t be afraid to enjoy your favorites, just do this burn off the Halloween candy calories workout to frighten the fat away.

Halloween Candy Calories Workout
*The Halloween candy calories information is from PopSugar.
*Treadmill calories were derived using this Treadmill Calculator for a 125 lb person.

This is a 30 minute treadmill workout (OK, it’s 29 minutes, but you’ll need to add a cool down) that starts out gradually but gets pretty intense to burn off that Reese’s–my favorite!

If you’re wondering why there isn’t an interval for candy corn, that’s because one serving (19 pieces) has 140 calories! If they are a fall favorite, you could do a steady-state segment at 6.5 mph and 1% incline for a lucky 13 minutes to burn them off. πŸ˜‰

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What’s your favorite Halloween candy?

Do you have a Halloween costume this year? 

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15 Responses to Burn Off The Halloween Candy Calories Workout

  1. I wish I didnt like candy so much! but I do like to run!

  2. Fun! I’ll be running a lot for those PB Cups!

  3. Cute! I can run for 5 min for a peppermint patty for sure!

  4. thankfully i don’t really like any of the candies listed, so i don’t have to be faced with the damage i’m doing πŸ˜‰

  5. Note to self : Stay away from the candy.

  6. Kim says:

    I like all the candys you mentioned except peppermint patties!!
    I haven’t had a single candy corn this year that might be a record!!

  7. Jennifer says:

    Fun – what a creative idea!

  8. Tina muir says:

    Ooohhh this is depressing. I have gone through so much halloween candy this past week, but it has been my time off after chicago….so well deserved right?! πŸ˜› Thats what I tell myself anyway haha!

  9. I may have to rethink my halloween candy consumption from now on πŸ™‚

  10. Pingback: Top 10 Halloween Workouts To Scare The Fat Right Off Your Body

  11. jill conyers says:

    No costume for me. Cool workout!

  12. Sami says:

    This is so cute, I love it! How far do I have to run if I ate too much chips and salsa with a few glasses of wine? πŸ™‚ What a mix, right?!

  13. Excellent workout idea! Can’t wait to try it out!

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