Blogging Smarter — My CoSchedule Review

As part of my month-long blogoversary celebration, I’m doing a series of Blog Tip Tuesday posts to share some of the things I’ve learned about blogging. This week, I am going to tell you about how I am blogging smarter with CoSchedule. 

Blogging Smarter With CoSchedule
This post includes affiliate links, which means that I will receive a discount on my paid subscription if you click through my link and sign up.

CoSchedule is billed as an all-in-one “social media editorial calendar for WordPress blogs” that lets you plan and schedule blog posts and related social media messages. I use the social media feature more than the calendar feature, but the calendar feature is handy if I decide I want to rearrange my scheduled posts. 

This is a screen shot of my posts and social media messages from June 15-17 (the actual page has a full monthly calendar view). You can see the post published on a given day and all of the social media shares I set up in advance through CoSchedule. (I usually schedule 2-3 shares per day on Facebook and Twitter the day a post publishes, and also schedule select posts to be shared a day/week/month later). 

CoSchedule ReviewCoSchedule also has a built in analytics feature that shows you how many times a given post was shared and over which platforms, your most popular posts, etc. 

To use CoSchedule for social sharing, you create your social media messages on your blog post page, in the editing screen. You can preview what they will look like on each platform and choose different images to share. 

Blogging Smarter With CoSchedule

If you need to reschedule a post, you simply drag and drop the post and associated social media messages to a new day. This is a great feature if you decide to bump a post after you’ve already set up the post and related social shares. 

The basic rate for CoSchedule is $10/month, with discounts available for yearly plans, referrals through affiliate links, and writing a CoSchedule review (like this one!). If you are interested but not ready to pull out your credit card, you can try it for free for two weeks.

[Tweet “How CoSchedule Is Helping Me To #Blogsmarter”] 

Do you share your blog posts on other social media platforms?

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20 Responses to Blogging Smarter — My CoSchedule Review

  1. I’ve heard about this a lot recently and wondered how hard it was to figure out. You make it sound easy. Great review!

  2. i LOVE coschedule. after trying it for free, i was hooked! πŸ™‚

  3. I’m in the middle of my two week trial right now. I really like it, and I like how they give kickbacks for sharing and posting all about it.

  4. That is so cool! Can you schedule Instagram?

  5. Jennifer says:

    Thanks for sharing, while I am not on WordPress, it was interesting to read about it!

  6. I’ve looked in to Co Schedule after seeing it everywhere and it looks awesome. Especially the scheduling of the social shares. Great tool.

  7. Great review! i just started using it but have been having trouble with the Pinterest posts for some reason. It doesn’t give me an option for an image to pin?

    • Coco says:

      Hmm. As soon as I pick a pinterest board it pulls up the images to choose from. Do you have the “image post” tab highlighted?

  8. Thank you for the great review! We really appreciate you sharing CoSchedule with your audience, and more than anything I am glad to hear that you are enjoying the software. Thanks again!

  9. Tamara says:

    I’m super intrigued by the ability to schedule Pinterest. Right now I hop on every 2nd or 3rd day and pin a whole whack of things at once. I’m sure my followers love it πŸ˜‰

    But can’t take advantage of your two-week freebie right now, as I’ll be on vacation for most of it!

  10. Dagmara says:

    I have been using a hubspot blog schedule/social media schedule, but this one seems pretty interesting, especially posting to Pinterest and scheduling social media posts which now I am using another software to do. Worth looking into. Thank you for sharing this tip!

  11. Dana says:

    I use CoSchedule too and I LOVE it! It automates social media and helps me stay organized. Great review!

  12. Pingback: 10 Essential Wordpress Plugins - Got2Run4Me

  13. Sounds cool. I may have togive it a look.

    • Coco says:

      It is really great. I just had to publish a post early (to make sure some code was working) and I was able to drag the post to today and leave all the other social media shares for tomorrow.

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