February Goal Setting

Run This Year 2014

I can’t believe that January already has come and gone and here we are several days into February already! A new month means it’s time for a new round of goal setting.

February Goal Setting

I am still in a good groove with my fitness routine, but February will bring some challenges, include more cold weather even though I’m sick of it, more icy running paths even though I’m getting so bored with my treadmill, and a week-long business trip to Europe which, with 4 meetings in 3 cities in 5 days, is not as glamorous as it might sound. With all that in mind, I’ve decided to keep my February goal setting simple:

February Goal Setting

If you are wondering why on earth I would set a goal to run 20.14 miles a week, then maybe you haven’t heard of the Run This Year Challenge organized by Running Hutch.

Goal Setting

While most people doing this challenge have set goals to run 2014 milesย or 2014 kmย in 2014, those goals aren’t a good fit for me. The challenge includes a “Get Your Own Goal” option, and my goal setting ruminations led me to make running 20.14 milesย aย week in 2014 my own goal. It is a goal that will require some planning and dedication to meet (like a good goal should), but the weekly mileage level is something that my legs, ITB, and piriformis should be able to handle without injury.

Have you set any new goals for February?

Are you focusing on any year-long goals?

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27 Responses to February Goal Setting

  1. Carla says:

    all in friendships.
    focusing on prioritizing that—for my HEART HEALTH as well.

    to keep my heart *full.*

  2. Awesome goals and I admire your ability to keep with it with all you have going on. I struggle to get in my yoga and lift some weights….stuck in the house right now and so looking forward to next week when we’ll be back in Florida and I can ride my bike for hours.

  3. Kia says:

    My year long goals are compounded, but I definitely have fitness as a top priority! I definitely need to get into a fitness groove.

  4. Great goals and I love your dedication in spite of work travel!

  5. I just got around to posting my February goals today! I almost didn’t realize that January was over. Great goals. I like how your took the 2014 challenge and found a way to make it work for you.

    • Coco says:

      Yes, I saw that “1” on my calendar and it took me by surprise. And January is not a short month. Off to check out your goals ….

  6. I love seein’ everyone’s goal post. Here’s to a new month and achievin’ all your hears desire.

  7. That is a brilliant goal for RTY! I love it!

  8. Yum Yucky says:

    Actually, in January I started a fitness challenge that goes for 3 months, so I’m doing my best to rock February real strong. No year-long goals at the moment. Just trying to handle in all in smaller chunks. XO!

  9. Jill says:

    Totally realistic and attainable goals. I like the 20.14 miles per week as well. Hope you post pictures of your European run so we can live vicariously through you!

    • Coco says:

      If I figure out a way to run, you can bet there will be pictures! Of course, I will have to wait until I can find free wireless to share them. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Pingback: RTY January Mileage Report » Matters Of Course

  11. Janette H. says:

    Congratulations on your January RTY miles; it’s really impressive. I really like how you incorporated 2014 into your own goal!

  12. I hope you have SOME fun in Europe! I’m sure running there will be a great experience! Take some pictures if you can.

    I’ve set some goals for this year, the biggest being to run 14 races in 2014. Also, I want to work on my overall health and fitness…or, continue doing so. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Coco says:

      The more I talk about it, the more I will HAVE to figure out how to run while I’m over there, right? If I had more daylight hours to work with, I wouldn’t be so worried, but I am psyching myself up for a cold, dark run or two. 14 races in 2014 is another fun goal.

  13. Kim says:

    Umm…I love the run in Europe goal!!
    And, the idea of taking the 2014 and turing it into 20.14/month makes it much more doable for me – great idea (I might join in on that).

  14. I guess I need to look at my yearly goals and break them down to monthly, huh? lol I wish I could add “Run in Europe” to my Feb. list!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you get some time to enjoy the European way of life while you’re there!

    • Coco says:

      Thanks! I do have a friend in Copenhagen I am trying to make plans with. That would definitely be awesome. Monthly goals are just right for me — not as demanding as weekly goals, but not as far off as yearly goals.

  15. Great goal! Perfect balance of pushing it and knowing your limits.

  16. Oh man. Is it February already?? That’s a lot of traveling and love that you have adjusted your goals. I know so many people who would still insist on plowing through ridiculous goals even if their life/work schedule was crazy.

  17. Great goals! I saw your blog on #FitFluential and this is my first visit. I’m sure the travel in Europe is beautiful, but travel does take a lot out of a person, too.

    My February goal is to make healthier food choices. I’m in a Bible study right now that focuses on craving God instead of food and it’s made me really think twice. I LOVE sweets and it doesn’t cause a problem physically (yet) because I have a passion for running and exercise. I’m learning to think about WHY I want to eat this or that and ask myself if I’m honoring God with my body every day. Not to say I won’t have dessert ever again! Just in moderation ๐Ÿ˜‰

  18. Pingback: Sightseeing In Marburg Germany - Running With Perseverance

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