A Day In The Life

I’m joining in with the “Day In The Life” link-up that was the brilliant brain-child of Angela (Happy Fit Mama) and Jill (Fitness, Health, Happiness). I hope you are well-caffenieted because my typical day is pretty darn boring and yesterday was no exception!

My day started when the alarm on my iPhone went off at 5:00,
and I got up to take this girlie out for our morning walk.

A Day In The LifeI guess she couldn’t find a stray shoe,
so she grabbed her rope bone while I fill my water bottle.

When we got back, I fed her breakfast and headed down to the basement for my workout.

A Day In The LifeIt was about 5:45, leaving me 45 minutes for my full-body free weights routine.

At 6:30, I went upstairs, started the coffee maker, and got ready for work.

A Day In The Life
By 7:00 I was back in the kitchen, fixing breakfast and assembling my lunch.

As usual, I had about 20 minutes to check in with Facebook, Twitter, and
a few of my favorite blogs while I ate my breakfast and sucked down two cups of coffee.

A Day In The Life
I got to work shortly after 8:00, and the rest of my day looked pretty much like this.

A Day In The Life
I did take a break for my mid-morning snack, when I switched to this view.

A Day In The Life
Even though I brought my lunch, I ended up eating in our cafeteria with a colleague.
I didn’t take a picture, but it looked a lot like this.

salad bar salad ideas

I left work at 5:30, which is a little earlier than usual, but I was at a good stopping point.

When I got home, my husband told me that he wanted to eat leftover pizza for dinner,
so I cobbled together my own meal.

A Day In The Life

(salad, Diet-to-Go Zucchini and Potato Cakes, watermelon)

I was saving room for the cupcake he brought home for me.

A Day In The Life

By 7:30, I had settled in for an evening of blogging, television, and reading
before going to bed at 11:00.

A Day In The Life

So, there you have it!

You can see how sedentary the bulk of my day really is. I know my morning exercise doesn’t make up for sitting all day, so I am trying to take more breaks at work, but some days the endless streams of emails and phone calls keep me glued to my desk.

Do you stay active throughout the day? 

What is your favorite part of your day?

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18 Responses to A Day In The Life

  1. Maureen says:

    What a beautiful view for your break! And that cupcake looks so yummy!

  2. MIZ says:

    you KNOW I love this as Ive always wondered how you do what you do (do be do be DOOOOO).
    and I now see that no matter how hectic I feel—your life be that much MORE and youre not dropping any balls, Sister!!


  3. Carrie says:

    How the heck do you stay up until 11 and get up at 5? I’m almost comatose at 9:30.

    My favorite part of my day is often my quiet 15 minutes with my coffee and some computer time. Maybe not ‘favorite’, but definitely most peaceful.

  4. You are one busy lady & reminds me of my Corporate days when I worked 60+ hours a week & got the workout in too – don’t want to go back there but I need to make money before I am on the street! 😉 What do you do?

    LOVE the doggie!!!!!

    comment luv would not work for me so.. 🙂

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  5. Kim says:

    Love you mid-morning break view!!!
    And our evenings (after dinner) are very similar – although lately those evenings of TV and blogging are being interrupted with extra activities a lot more.
    Fun post – love seeing the behind the scenes!!

  6. Busy day! I’m impressed that you can hang till 11 and be up by 5!

  7. misszippy says:

    What a great view you have from your office! Looks like we start the day at the same time and with the same task–dog duty!

    I’m sure it’s hard to fit in extra movement when you are in a traditional office. Working from home makes it much easier for me b/c I can take breaks whenever I want, plus I have a treadmill desk.

  8. I totally get the sedentary work day. I walk during my lunches most days.

  9. What a cute doggie you have! Thanks for linking up. I love seeing how everyone spends their day. It may seem boring to you but I think we all lead similar lives.

  10. Early morning coffee, computer and a run! That’s my favorite part of the day 🙂 Also early evenings on the nights all 4 of us are together.

    I’m not as active as I would like at work. Way too much meeting and computer time!

    Thanks for joining 🙂

  11. courtney says:

    your boxer is adorable, and great view on your break!

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