Catching A Breeze

This week started off hot, humid and hectic, but by Friday there was a break in the weather and in my workload. When I took Scooby out I noticed I was even catching a breeze—what a treat for the end of July!

It was barely light out so my iPhone took this in dark mode.

Catching A Breeze

My fitness week was pretty mundane, with a few highlights.

Sunday  I took a new Jess Sims class that she programmed for runners with lots of single leg and “sneaky core” work.

Wednesday I crossed the 15K minute mark taking a tread class with Alex T.

My only outdoor runs were Friday and Saturday, when I enjoyed catching a breeze.

Sunday: 30 min FB Strength + 20 mile ride
I had a bit of unwelcome excitement during this ride. While I was catching my breath after a steep hill, a bee flew into my mouth and sort of stung me as I spat it out! It hurt like heck for a few minutes, but luckily my tongue didn’t get too swollen—just a bit inflamed in one spot. Other than that, it was a good ride.

Monday: Core + 3.5 Tread Miles + ALW
I usually do strength classes before I run, but tried taking an arms + light weights class after my tread class to have more time to cool down before my shower. It was a good class and seemed to help cut down the post-shower sweating. 💦

Tuesday: Core + 20 min FB Strength + 20 min Ride
This was a fun mix of not-too-hard classes, although Tunde’s core classes are never easy.

Wednesday: 30 min SFR + 3.5 Tread Miles
I found an old SFR class I hadn’t taken. It has some good segments that used a fitness band for high knees, donkey kicks, and clam shells. Despite taking a 10 min post-run stretch class, Alex’s tread class left me sweating after my shower. 💦

Thursday: 20 min FB + 30 min Peloton Ride
I chose fun music-based classes and they did not disappoint. Tunde’s strength class wasn’t too hard, although it included some of the tough core moves from the core class I took on Tuesday. Leanne’s Camp ride was as fun as I expected. I love that she admitted she was boiling in her long-sleeved leotard, but it was worth it to look good! 🤩

Friday: 2.25 Scooby Miles + 45 min FB Strength
It was so nice when I took Scooby out for a walk, I decided to turn it into a short run, even though I hadn’t done any warm-up and wasn’t wearing my best running shoes. It was in the upper 60s, with low humidity and an amazing breeze!

Saturday: 5.5  Scooby Miles
It was still really nice out, so I took Scooby for a slightly longer run than we’ve been doing lately. It was so nice!

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

What do you have on tap for August?
Join us for coffee on Friday and let us know!

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13 Responses to Catching A Breeze

  1. Melissa says:

    Yay for nice weather! Doesn’t it make such a difference? Glad you were able to get in a long run with Scooby!

  2. We had a few days with cooler temps, but the humidity was still off-the-charts. Those are the tricky days, though, because the humidity really sneaks up on you.
    I’m glad you got a reprieve from the heat!

  3. Jenny says:

    Ha- that happens to me all the time, I come home from a run so hot and sweaty, I know there’s no point in showering right away. So I figure I might as well do a core workout while I cool down- what else am I going to do?
    I’m glad you and Scooby got a break from the heat! But that’s a horrible story about the bee- ew.

  4. I had a bee fly into my shirt once on a bike ride and sting me under my arm. Not a fun experience! Glad you are ok. Hoping our humidity lets up a bit this week for us and Scooby

  5. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    Ouch on the bee.

    Glad your temps improved.

    Friday was my rest day hence better for running. Cooler Sat but more humid.

    The heat was back today but this morning it at least seemed less humid.

    How does Scooby like the heat?

  6. Catrina says:

    Oh wow, that bee!! I’ve only ever had flies in my mouth, and that was bad enough!
    So nice to have an easier workload at work. And no travelling, either, yay!

  7. Jessie says:

    Its tough to cool down after a run! Especially without A/C 🙂

    Yuck on that bee! Glad it didn’t cause more of an issue. Ouchie though!

  8. Wendy says:

    Yikes to the bee sting in the mouth!!! Glad nothing bad happened. I was stung in the eyelid while running one time. My whole eye swelled up. Those bees are evil.

  9. Susanne says:

    Yikes for getting a bee in your mouth!! So glad nothing worse happened. I once got a fly (or smaller, harmless insect) in my mouth when I was out cycling, and I was so surprised that I just swallowed it. Gross but true!
    I’m glad to hear that you have some more pleasant weather and take advantage of it.

  10. Jenn says:

    How’s your tongue now? That would have freaked me out!

    No breezes here. I would love one so much. Just one.

  11. Debbie says:

    That’s super scary about the bee stinging your tongue. It could have been much worse, you’re very lucky!

    I was bummed to miss such nice weather over the weekend, but I shouldn’t complain since I was on vacation. It was hot and humid in the mid-west, though.

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