Happy Running In The Humidity

I got home from Austin last weekend, but it felt like I brought the Texas weather back with me. I’m not going to complain, though. My hamstring seems to be truly on the mend, and I am happy to be running pain-free—even in the humidity. 🥵

Scooby’s tongue says it all!

Happy Running

My hamstring has betrayed me before so I’m a bit wary to say this, but I really think I am not only seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but just about in the light with the tunnel behind me. 😁  I’ve been running 3-5 miles on alternate days, and my hamstring has been quiet during and after my runs. I’m still babying it with minimal hills, but once in a while I am pushing my pace and haven’t faced any consequences. 🤞

Weekly Wrap

I continued to follow the Breakthrough Crew Muscle MAYhem challenge, scrambling the schedule to fit my own and spreading out the lower body classes to keep my hamstring happy. I like taking a 10 min lower body class as a pre-run warm-up, so that worked out well. I also took my 800th strength class, taking my favorite CDE stretch for the milestone.

3 of the 5 min are various calf stretches

Sunday: Core + 10 min SFR + 5.0 Scooby Miles

Monday: Core + Upper Body + 30 Min Peloton Ride
I skimped on strength last week so I was ready to get back to it, and this uppoer body stack was a burner. Hannah F’s ride had a fun concert-vibe with disco lights and such—do they still call them that?

Tuesday: Core + 10 min Lower Body + 4.0 Scooby Miles

Wednesday: Core + Lower Body + 20 Min Peloton Ride
I did take two lower body classes today, but RK’s is mostly PT-style exercises.

Thursday: Core + 10 min Lower Body + 4.0 Scooby Miles

You can see the humidity!

Friday: Core + Upper Body + 25 min Peloton Ride
I’ve also been testing out my hamstring with tougher rides, and Hannah F’s HIIT and Hills format is no joke—I needed to take a cool-down ride to catch my breath.

Saturday: Core + 4.75 Scooby Miles + 1.5 Tread Miles
I was happy running with Scooby, but the humidity sapped my energy so I cut our run short and hopped on my tread to round out my mileage in my cool, fan-equipped basement.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Are you doing anything special for Memorial Day?

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19 Responses to Happy Running In The Humidity

  1. Melissa says:

    It sure feels like summer running is here too! We have a packed Memorial Day weekend with a soccer tournament, birthday and 2 parties, first communion and a parade. But I love it!

  2. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    Humidity is tough. I think that’s why my half last weekend felt so hard.

    Glad to hear you can run pain free. Hope it stays that way.

    Taking our boat out fir the first time this year.

  3. The humidity is a definite wild card and game-changer. The last two years, there have been heat advisories for next weekend’s half, and I suspect there will be some humidity issues this year as well. We’ve had so much rain, and haven’t had much opportunity to acclimate to it yet. I love your Saturday pic!

  4. Marcia says:

    I do not envy that crazy humidity! Yikes! Glad to hear the hammy is behaving. Fingers crossed that is a lasting trend! We are in full on grad party mode here and of course today is rainy. Ugh!

  5. Wendy says:

    I’m glad to hear that your hammie continues to behave! Love your INB tank. I still have the one with the eagle on it but I’m not sure it fits anymore.

  6. Susanne says:

    Yay for your hamstring!! Big thumbs up from me. And I’m so happy about your pain-free running. It does look very humid over there though!

  7. Already dreading the humidity for the next few months! Glad your hamstring is finally on the mend. That RK class is one of my faves too

  8. Jenn says:

    Oh, I hope that hamstring injury is very much in your rear view!

    The humidity has been absolutely insane and I am so ready for it to be winter again.

  9. Fingers crossed on the hammies this time. You deserve a break, it’s been long enough! We are throwing a surprise birthday party for my son since he will not be home on his birthday in June. So cake, we will be eating cake 🙂

  10. San says:

    Happy to hear your hamstring is not giving you too much trouble… but yeah, humidity is tough (I am so glad that’s one thing I don’t have to deal with often despite the heat that we get in the summers in inland- California).

  11. Catrina says:

    YAY for pain-free running!
    This is awesome news. I know we shouldn’t shout too loud in case it comes back, but I feel that you are well and truly over the hill (or through the tunnel). Your patience has paid off, nice job, Coco!

  12. Debbie says:

    An almost healed hammie is great news! I agree, I’d take the humidity over an injury any time!

  13. Jenny says:

    That’s the great thing about having a recent injury- any running is good running. High humidity? No problem! You’re just happy to be out there. Glad everything is feeling good! Just in time for summer running.

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