Summing Up September

Now that I’ve been setting monthly goals, I need to take time to look back and see how I measured up. These are the goals I set for September:

September Goals

I wonder which one I struggled with the most?

Summing Up September

I pretty much nailed my fitness goals. I did a Peloton core workout almost everyday, and the days I didn’t do a separate core workout I did a bootcamp or strength workout that included at least a few minutes of core exercises.

Peloton Calendar September 2020

The 10 min core workouts leave few excuses for not doing something every day.

I continued to work through the Peloton Strength For Runners workouts, and still have some 20 minute classes to do. Along the way, I completed a few more Peloton challenges–here’s my virtual challenge badge collection so far:

Peloton Badges

I did not attempt the barre class challenge. I might try one of the new barre classes eventually, but I have no interest in committing to do several in one week. #sorynotsorry

I enjoyed the 15-day hip opening yoga challenge–the same one Deborah wrote about. I haven’t gone back and retaken any of the classes, but I have revisited some of the moves and stretches when my hips feel tight. I do think it made a difference.

The Garmin app doesn’t make it easy to tally monthly miles (I can see that data on the Garmin Connect website though) so I took some screen shots on September 1 to see where I was.

Garmin Screen Shot Blooper September Miles

Luckily the iPhone photo app has a “revert” feature, because my first cropping cut off the most essential data. 😀

This version is more useful:

Garmin Screen Shot September Running Miles

(and I ran a total of 7.5 miles on the 29th and 30th)

As for my non-fitness goals, I made progress but didn’t nail them with perfection. I made it one full week with no snacking after dinner, and then gave myself permission to have a portioned snack while watching TV. I went to bed before falling asleep most nights, although there were a few times I woke up on the sofa with an odd infomercial blaring!

October Goals

The only concrete fitness goal I have for October is the Core-tober challenge I shared previously, which is to take all these core classes with the Peloton Breakthrough Crew coaches:

list of Peloton classes for Coretober challenge

I am letting go of my 100 mile running goal, but Scooby’s not going to let me laze around. 😉

Obviously I need to keep working on my non-fitness goals, and will stick with them and keep at it.

Weekly Run Down

With mostly dark o’clock morning runs, I don’t have pictures of Scooby worth sharing, so I’m going to skip my weekly recap. This post already has enough screenshots from my Peloton and Garmin apps!

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up. It’s always great for motivation and encouragement, but now it’s especially important for distance socializing. We may be physically apart, but we are in this together!

Have you set new goals for October?

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19 Responses to Summing Up September

  1. Wendy says:

    Nice work on hitting all your goals! I hit 100+ miles again for September too. It hasn’t been a goal of mine to do that for a long time but it’s been happening a lot this year. I have found so much solace in running and I am grateful to have it.

  2. Nice job on hitting your goals for September! I really thought the hip challenge helped as well now to stick w it! Thanks for linking

  3. Michelle D. says:

    Great job with your September goals! I think this Core-Tober challenge will be a good one – though I don’t know about some of those 20 min. classes.

  4. Birchwood Pie says:

    I really don’t like the Garmin app for keeping track of mileage. There’s a website called Smashrun that can read your Garmin data from the dawn of time and it really does a nice job of cranking out the stats. But nevertheless, YAY for a strong September. I am also one who needs to watch my snacks, and although I’m not perfect (hey those 100 miles aren’t going to fuel themselves!) after a few weeks of writing down everything I eat I’m somewhat back on track.

    • Coco says:

      That’s great that writing things down helped you with that goal. I’m not great at doing that — it makes me obsessive.

  5. Marcia says:

    Way to crush your September goals. The Core-tober CHallenge sounds fun.

  6. Cari says:

    Nicely done! Need to go read the hip post as that sounds manageable and necessary
    Does Scooby have a Nox vest for you two to twin in?

  7. Your daily devotion to fitness is commendable 😉 I wish we lived in the same city, we could have a lot of fun (in person) 😉 Great job on all of the Peloton workouts!

  8. Great job with your goals this month! Its great to focus on strength, core and flexibility. I wrote about my running goals for October, but I also need to make sure to keep up with the other little things too.

  9. Sounds like you did a fantastic job in September, Coco! I’d call choosing a preportioned snack after dinner a win, too. And I have no doubt even without a goal of 100 miles, you’ll be racking up the miles still.

  10. Check out those badges!! Great job on hitting your goals for September!

  11. Laurie says:

    Way to smash those Peloton workouts. The hip-opening workouts sound so appealing! Great job on your September goals.

  12. kookyrunner says:

    What an awesome September for you Coco! I love seeing all the virtual badges 🙂 I runfess that I did the 6 barre classes to get the badge but I didn’t necessarily enjoy them, lol.

    I love the play on words for the Core-tober challenge, lol. One of the many things I love about Peloton is that the members are really passionate about fitness and normally design some type of monthly challenge. Such a great way to stay motivated!

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