Getting Back To Productive Garmin Status

This week I did more running and less cycling than planned. We ended up deferring our Farm To Fork Fondo Shenandoah ride, so I was able to do a “long” run on Sunday. While I was bummed about missing the ride, I was encouraged by getting back to “productive” Garmin status.

Graphic of Garmin Status Data

Interesting data over the past 12 weeks

Getting Back To Productive Garmin Status

I’ve honestly never looked at this data before, but do find it interesting. You can see that I spent most of the first part of the summer in yellow mode, which designates “maintaining” status, with a few stretches in blue mode (“recovery”) and a few orange (“unproductive”) days. Then the wheels fell off and I sank into orange mode, with a tragic dip into grey (“detraining”) status.

I was glad to see the green “productive” status after my spinning class on Tuesday, but my first humid run in Chicago was deemed “unproductive”. Luckily, Friday’s run was better, and Saturday’s ride also was “productive”.  Thursday’s run felt hard, and Friday’s felt easier. I also had coffee before that run–maybe it helped my legs find a faster pace. The last part of Saturday’s long run was rough, and Garmin proved it with “unproductive” status again. Should I just quit if a run feels bad? I’d like to think sucking it up and pushing through is paying off in some way.

After puzzling over my heart rate data from Orange Theory, I realized that the low 170s is above my maximum heart rate using any of the formuals.  (220-50=170 and I’m almost 52). I’m halfway to accepting that my slower pace is the price I pay for running less and getting older. 😉 Hopefully I can more “productive” runs and spend more time in the green zone of my Garmin status as I start training for the Richmond Half.

Weekly Run Down

The highlight of my week was a business trip to Chicago with two opportunities to run. To pass the time on the airplane, I treated myself to Margaret Atwood’s new Handmaid’s Tale sequel–The Testaments–and was able to finish it on the flight home.

Kindle Cover of The Testaments Book

No spoilers, but I noticed that I heard the voices of the Hulu version’s actors in my head as I read.

Monday: 5 mile run
After telling a visiting client about the great running routes near my office, I talked myself into a humid run. I ran around the Tidal Basin and then back along the Reflecting Pool. It was dark, but all the monuments are well-lit and look pretty in the dark.

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Tuesday: Cyclebar
I hadn’t been in ages, and it was tough, but at least my Garmin was happy!

Wednesday Strength Workout

Thursday: 5 mile run in Chicago
It was so humid after overnight storms, but I love running along the Lakefront!

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My Garmin freaks out during the segment along the Riverwalk, so I estimate my distance based on time.

Friday: 3 mile run
I had to wait out a storm, and only had time for a few miles after that, but it was worth it.

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Saturday: 18 mile Arlington Conte’s Ride
After getting home from Chicago at 10 pm Friday night, I barely got up in time to make the Arlington Conte’s ride, but I’m glad I did. There were only 5 of us, so it was a close-knit group.

Garmin Graphic for Arlington Contes Ride

Sunday: 8 mile run
The only thing pretty about this run was the sunrise, and it was lovely! I joined my first MRTT run in ages for motivation and encouragement to run 8 miles–to think that used to be a typical Saturday run when I wasn’t training for anything!

Sunrise over the potomac river

The promised pace was 10:30, which felt good for the first 3 miles, OK for the next few miles, and impossible towards the end. After mile 7, I dug deep for an 11:00 pace, and gave myself a walk break every 1/4 mile. I felt like crap after I finished, and wasn’t surprised when my Garmin told me the run was “unproductive”.

Garmin graphci showing unproductive status

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up
–join in for motivation and encouragement!

Are you going to read The Testaments? 

What books should I download for my trip to England?

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20 Responses to Getting Back To Productive Garmin Status

  1. Wendy says:

    Don’t you just love running in Chicago? You know I do. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t get together with you. Let’s keep trying!!!

    I didn’t know Garmin had that production feature. Pretty sure I don’t want to access it right now! LOL

  2. I don’t think my Garmin has that feature and I might get mad and throw it if it did! 8 miles sounds productive to me. It’s been forever since I ran that far. Maybe since Ragnar in June? Hoping those cooler temps come our way soon

  3. Laurie says:

    I just read a review of the Margaret Atwood book today. Sounds like you give it a thumbs up. I will have to ask hubby if he uses that Garmin feature. Sounds kind of judg-y to me! 🙂

  4. Birchwood Pie says:

    Oof I don’t have that feature on my Garmin and don’t want it. If there was a feature for most beautiful running locations, your Garmin would be off that charts on that. Congrats on a great week in fitness!

  5. I’ve never seen that Garmin feature – is it only on certain models?! I don’t know that I want to deal with that level of judgement from my watch!

    Love all of your photos!

  6. Jessie says:

    I know my Garmin has that, though I haven’t looked into it much! Interesting to see how it works.

    Great pictures from your runs this week!

  7. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    I don’t think my Garmin has that feature (?), but I probably wouldn’t pay much attention if it did. You probably know I do most of my running based on feel, so I wouldn’t know what to make of that feedback LOL You take such amazing pics…in DC, and now you have some great Chicago ones as well. Thanks for sharing 😉

  8. Kim G says:

    I think my Garmin has this feature but I’ve never used it. I swear I only use like 20% of the features on my Garmin – I need to get more familiar with it!

  9. I have one of the very basic Garmins so I doubt it has this feature! On the one hand, I’d like it but on the other hand, I may get offended by the “unproductive” statuses, LOL! Well done on a productive week! 😉

  10. Ha! I won’t even bore you with how slooooow my run was yesterday, and most of that was getting out far too late. I actually felt mostly ok, probably because I ran by HR & therefore it was very slow.

    My RHR was slightly elevated this morning, and I’ve gone back & forth on whether or not I should run today or not. I probably shouldn’t. But I do want to keep at least 3 runs per week. And it’s going to be very challenging this week. I’m going to my mom’s tomorrow & will leave wednesday, with a lot of driving around. Then back on Saturday. Ugh!

    Anyway, I really almost never stop a run once I’m out there. I don’t think I ever have. I might, on rare occasions, shorten it. There have been quite a few runs lately where I’ve really dragged myself through it. Some day I really hope to run a half again (don’t know when), so I’m just struggling to hang onto that base!

    Sorry you had to miss out on the Shenadoah ride. It’s sometimes I’ve wanted to go see forever!

    Hopefully this week will be a lot more “productive”.

  11. Chaitali says:

    I don’t think I have that productive/unproductive feature on my Garmin. Part of me is happy I don’t have it but part of me thinks that maybe it would be better to know if my runs are “unproductive.” Oh well, I can continue in blissful ignorance for now 🙂 Great job with all those workouts this week!

  12. Laetitia says:

    Garmin sure knows how to throw some shade 😉

  13. Ditto on previous comments… my Garmin 235 might not have this? I do get a good chuckle when I look at my predicted finish times. Garmin thinks I could run a 3:19 full marathon. bahahaha! Didn’t it see my last finish time was 4:10. Way to make me feel bad Garmin. LOL

  14. I kind of take the Garmin productive/unproductive results with a grain of salt. My coach said they can be a baseline but aren’t entirely accurate. I’ve been called ‘unproductive’ after running 16 miles before lol. I didn’t think I was being unproductive!

  15. Cari says:

    ” I heard the voices of the Hulu version’s actors in my head as I read.”
    This is such an issue for me too and why I’m still trying to avoid A Discovery of Witches on TV until I finish the trilogy.
    What app did you use for the slide shows in this post?
    There isn’t anything I’ve read lately that I’d super recommend for England beyond ADOW – not sure if that’s your genre or not. If you’re on Goodreads, feel free to have a gander at my shelf. There’s a lot of crap though

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