Memorial Day Weekend Run Down

I hope you are having a good Memorial Day weekend. We are keeping it pretty low key, but enjoying the summery weather. It’s not all bike rides and barbecues–we also are taking time to remember the sacrifices of those who gave their lives in the service of our country.

There are many powerful memorials in D.C., but the visual impact of these flags–like the names on the Vietnam War Memorial and the grave markers at Arlington National Cemetery–underscore how many have died fighting for freedom and democracy.
I know Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day have different focuses, but there’s never a wrong time to honor and pray for those on active duty.

Prayer For Those In The Armed Forces

Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

~ The Book of Common Prayer

Memorial Day Weekend Run Down

After tackling the Conte’s Hill ride Saturday and riding 40+ miles on the W & OD trail Sunday, I was tired on Monday! I had a bit of a frustrating week at work, and made an effort to stick to my workout schedule to load up on endorphins.

Monday: Strength Workout
It’s always hard to get out of bed on Monday, so starting the week with a workout at home gives me a little leeway if I hit the snooze button. Of course, once I get into my workout, I always wish I had more time to do more exercises.

Tuesday: Cyclebar
After working late Monday it was hard to get motivated to pack my gym bag for my 5:30 am Cyclebar class, but I reminded myself that the endorphins would be worth the hassle.

Wednesday: 3.5 Mile Run + PT Exercises
The weather was perfect for this run, which I followed up with my main PT exercises at my office gym.

The fountains at the World War II Memorial
with the Washington Monument and
Capitol in the background

Thursday: CPY2
Our peak pose was peacock pose–I got my feet off the ground for a split second!

Friday: Orange Theory
I didn’t participate in this week’s Mayhem challenge–honestly, I was interested in the trucker style hat–but for some reasons my arms had nothing to give. Maybe they were worn out from CPY2? I had to use lighter weights than usual to get through all the reps.

The treadmill workout was more individualized than usual with the intervals based on distance instead of time. We alternated “push pace” intervals (0.15, 0.35, 0.2, 0.25 miles) with jump squats or calf raises.

Saturday: Conte’s Arlington Ride (18 miles)
This might have been the largest group ever for the Arlington Conte’s ride.

Sunday: 5.75 mile run
I knew it was going to be hot and humid, but you never really know how bad it’s going to be until you’re out there in the blazing sun. I did my best to stay on the shady side of the street, but often the sun was unavoidable.

Some runs, you smile because it feels good;
some runs, you smile because you’re done.

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up for recapping our workouts and staying accountable and motivated. 

Join us next weekend for the June Ultimate Coffee Date! 

Did you do anything special this weekend?

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21 Responses to Memorial Day Weekend Run Down

  1. kookyrunner says:

    I agree with you about the weather today. I tried to stay in the shade as much as possible when I was running but it didn’t really help too much, lol.

    I love the prayer that you posted for those in the armed services. The half marathon that I did today was all about honoring the fallen.

    • Coco says:

      I used to be surprised at how much I liked the prayers in the the Book of Common Prayer, but now I know how good they are. It is interesting how praers written decades ago still resonate. 😉

  2. Wendy says:

    I had a tough work week too and I totally get you about needing ALL the endorphins. Since running is being mean to me, that’s been a tough thing.

  3. We do have so many powerful monuments in DC. I saw all of the rolling thunder bikers on my way home from the airport. Looks like a jam packed week for you!

  4. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    I love all your pics! I remember, a few years ago when I first “met” you, your DC pics were always so beautiful and striking. I’d love to do a run through DC and see all the memorial flags this weekend, though I’d probably be an emotional wreck by doing so. Thanks for linking with us Coco 😉

    • Coco says:

      They really are quite moving. It’s doubly hard when you come across family/friends at a marker of their loved one, but that also gives you an opportunity to express your gratitude.

  5. Great pictures! This weekend was low key for me. Went out for a run on Saturday but bailed out and tried again (and succeeded) on Sunday. I am spending the weekend with my mom.

  6. I like the prayer you shared. It’s easy to get caught up in the “long weekend” hype and forget what this holiday is about.

    • Coco says:

      Thanks. After I posted this I saw another one that’s more fitting for Memorial Day from an older version of the prayer book, but I think it’s always appropriate to hold our troops in our thoughts and prayers.

  7. therightfit says:

    Great variety as always! You’re the queen of cross training 🙂

    Great way to remind us of the reason for the ‘long weekend’ as well, thanks for sharing.

  8. Laurie says:

    Those endorphins do lure us into working out when we don’t feel like it! I am an endorphin junkie for sure. I just try to remember that there have been many times I regretted NOT going, but I almost never regret a workout.

  9. Darlene says:

    DC is got to be the best place to be on Memorial Day.

    As usual, you had an active week with a variety of training activities.

  10. Marcia says:

    I’ve only been to DC for business trips and MCM but yes, SO many powerful, thought-provoking views! You had a busy week! Cannot believe how hot and humid it is there while we’re still so cold and rainy. I feel ripped off.

  11. I tried to reply the other day but it got eaten. I’d say you did a great job sticking to your workouts!

    It’s been so long since I was in DC — like, before I was married. Some of those monuments weren’t even there then . . . I used to love going into DC when I lived in MD (1 year before I got married). I wasn’t a runner then — I can only imagine how beautiful it must be to run around the monuments (and stirring, too).

  12. It’s been a couple of years since we went down to Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, but that’s a way we like to celebrate. Several of our friends rode in Rolling Thunder over the years. I never saw it roll through, but I’m sure it was quite stirring to see and hear.

    I had my Ultimate Coffee Date post written and almost ready to post “next weekend,” but needed to take some pictures to add. Since we were out of town, I couldn’t get it done. Oh well, I’ll have a few slightly outdated items for July. 😉

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