Three Things Thursday (Chobani Recipes With Deviled Egg Chicks)

After confirming that my Mom would be joining us for Easter dinner, I remembered that one of my friends had not mentioned having any Easter plans, so I invited her and her husband to join us. Although I still planned to keep the meal simple, having company motivated me to get a bit more adventurous in the kitchen.

Deviled Egg Chicks

First, I wanted to make the too-cute-to-resist deviled eggs that made the rounds on the internet from  Pinterest to Facebook:

(I’m no Martha Stewart, but I do think these turned out pretty well!)

For the filling, I used the Healthy Deviled Eggs recipe from Anne’s fANNEtastic food blog, which calls for plain Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise.  Of course, I used plain Chobani®.

Caesar Salad Dressing

I also wanted to fix a big Caesar salad, but couldn’t bring myself to buy creamy Caesar dressing with 19 grams of fat per serving. I wondered if Google could save the day, and by searching for “Chobani Caesar” I found a recipe for creamy Caesar salad dressing on Erica’s Itzy’s Kitchen blog that uses plain Chobani® as the base.

Strawberry Shortcake

For dessert, I made strawberry shortcake with my stand-by recipe from the back of the Bisquick box. Years ago I started using plain yogurt sweetened with Equal® instead of CoolWhip®, but after discovering lemon Chobani® last year, I think that is the perfect topping!

So that’s three recipes made healthier–and better–by Chobani®, which left me more room for chocolate eggs and black licorice jelly beans.

Did you try any new recipes this weekend?

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5 Responses to Three Things Thursday (Chobani Recipes With Deviled Egg Chicks)

  1. Reblogged this on Blend of Life and commented:

  2. Those "little egg-men" worked out really well! Gonna keep that in mind 🙂

  3. SuperBabe says:

    LOVE the deviled eggs!!! Will definitely have to try them! So… is Chobanni sending your all sorts of goodies now for all this promotion? 😉 I do love that yogurt though!
    Nothing new this weekend… I just made a delicious (and not very healthy!) NY-style cheesecake 😀

  4. Miz says:

    those deviled eggs are AWESOME!!!

  5. Those devil eggs look more cute than devilish, but I am sure they taste delicious. Thank you for sharing Coco!

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